Meet our faculty

Many of our faculty are, or expect to be over the next year, searching for undergraduate and graduate researchers!  They are flagged with ‘UG‘ and ‘G‘ — interested students are urged to check out their research and contact them.


Sven Bilén UG and G (Also Affiliated with EECS & SEDI) Biomedical Devices; Computational Science; Electromagnetics; Engineering Design; Remote Sensing and Space Systems; Space Propulsion and Physics; Systems Engineering

Kenneth Brentner G Rotorcraft acoustics, computational fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics, rotorcraft engineering

Jared Butler (Affiliate Faculty – SEDI) Mechanical systems, including origami-inspired and deployable mechanisms for space systems

James Coder UG and G Computational fluid dynamics; Applied aerodynamics; Turbulence and transition modeling; Hypersonic aerothermodynamics

Stephen Conlon (Affiliate Faculty – ARL)

Roshan Thomas Eapen UG and G Astrodynamics, Dynamical Systems Theory, Computational Vision, Satellite Rendezvous and Proximity Operations, Terrain Relative Navigation, Space Situational Awareness

Junyi Geng UG and G Aerial Robotics; Aerial Manipulation; Cooperative Control; Learning-based Control; Vision-based Navigation; Trajectory Planning

Eric Greenwood UG and G Rotorcraft, UAS and multi-rotor noise and acoustics

David Hall UG and Air-breathing propulsion, electric/hybrid aircraft propulsion, propulsion/airframe integration, sustainable aviation

Joseph Horn UG and G Rotorcraft dynamics & control, autonomous flight systems & UAS, flight simulation, handling qualities

Daning Huang UG and Computational methods for multidisciplinary design and optimization, reduced order modeling, applied to hypersonic vehicles and multi-disciplinary effects such as aerothermostructural interactions

Eric Johnson UG and G Aircraft Flight Dynamics, Vision-based Navigation and Control, Adaptive Control, Aerial Robotics, Emerging UAS Missions, Autonomy/Automation, Research Flight Testing, Safety, and Unmanned Aircraft Policy

Michael Jonson (Affiliate Faculty – ARL)

Robert Kunz (Affiliate Faculty – ME) Computational fluid dynamics, multiphase flows, turbomachinery

Jack Langelaan UG and G Air vehicle dynamics & control, autonomous flight systems & UAS, sensing, estimation & navigation, cooperative control, trajectory planning, optimization & guidance

George Lesieutre UG and Structural dynamics of aerospace vehicles, composites, vibration control, passive damping, adaptive structures, piezoelectric actuation, health monitoring, energy harvesting.

Jules Lindau (Affiliate Faculty – ARL)

Mark Maughmer UG and G Aircraft aerodynamics, aircraft design, aircraft stability and control.

Robert Melton UG and (On sabbatical Fall 2023) Astrodynamics, orbital mechanics, spacecraft design, trajectory optimization

Mark Miller UG and G Experimental and theoretical aerodynamics, wind turbine aerodynamics

Simon Miller (Affiliate Faculty – ARL) Unmanned Aerial Systems, Design Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, Conceptual Design, Tradespace Exploration, Advanced Manufacturing

Philip Morris Emeritus Aeroacoustics, numerical simulation, hydrodynamic stability, turbulence modeling.

Jose Palacios UG and G Aircraft icing, Rotorcraft aeromechanics, Active rotors

Herschel Pangborn (Affiliate Faculty – ME) Dynamic systems and control, energy management in vehicles and buildings, predictive and distributed/hierarchical control, switched systems, modeling and optimization of electro-thermal system

Amy Pritchett UG and G Safety-critical systems, multi-agent concepts of operation for air traffic management and spaceflight, trajectory negotiation, conflict/collision detection and avoidance, flight deck design, human-autonomy function allocation, manual control and pilot modelling

Ashwin Renganathan UG and Multidisciplinary design optimization in aerospace, advanced methods for computational prediction, reduced order modeling, surrogate modeling, uncertainty quantification and machine learning of vehicle performance 

Sven Schmitz UG and Computational and experimental fluid dynamics, rotorcraft aerodynamics and aeromechanics, wind energy

Puneet Singla UG and G Astrodynamics, Data Driven Modeling, Optimal Estimation and Control, Uncertainty Quantification

Edward Smith UG and G Rotorcraft dynamics and aeromechanics; Composite and smart structures; Active and passive vibration control; Elastomeric materials

Alan Wagner UG and (on sabbatical Fall 2023 & Spring 2024) Autonomous System Control and Planning, Human-Robot Interaction and Teaming, Social Robotics, Machine Ethics, RoboEthics, Humanitarian and Search and Rescue robotics, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems

Namiko Yamamoto UG and G Nano- and micro-engineered materials, multi-functional composites, microfabrication, scalable manufacturing.

Michael Yukish (Affiliate Faculty – ARL)