Journal Articles
- Junayed Zahed, Bianca Selena Gonzalez, Jacob Langelaan and Alan R Wagner, 2024, "Human Perception of Collision and Safety in Densely Populated Airspaces", Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, pp. 8
- Christopher M Hendrick, Emma R Jaques, Joseph F Horn, Jacob Langelaan and Anish J Sydney, 2024, "Model-Scale Evaluation of Autonomous Ship Landing Guidance and Control Modes", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 69, (2), pp. 20
- Tomas I Opazo, Raja Akif Zahirudin, Jose Palacios, Sven Schmitz and Jacob Langelaan, 2022, "Analytical and Experimental Power Minimization for Fixed-Pitch Coaxial Rotors in Hover", AIAA Journal of Aircraft
- Junyi Geng, Puneet Singla and Jacob Langelaan, 2022, "Load-Distribution-Based Trajectory Planning and Control for a Multilift System", Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
- Junyi Geng and Jacob Langelaan, 2020, "Estimation of Inertial Properties for a Multilift Slung Load", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
- Jacob Langelaan and John J Bird, 2020, "Optimal Speed Scheduling with Arrival Time Constraint for Solar-Augmented Aircraft", Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
- John J Bird and Jacob Langelaan, 2020, "Optimal Speed Scheduling with Arrival Time Constraints for Solar Augmented Aircraft", Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 43, (7)
- Sihong Yan, Tomas I Opazo, Jacob Langelaan and Jose Palacios, 2020, "Experimental Evaluation and Flight Simulation of Coaxial-rotor Vehicles in Icing Clouds", Journal of American Helicopter Society
- Junyi Geng and Jacob Langelaan, 2020, "Cooperative transport of a slung load using load-leading control", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
- John J Bird, Scott J Richardson and Jacob Langelaan, 2019, "Estimating the Vertical Structure of Weather-Induced Mission Costs for Small UAS", Sensors, 19, (12)
- Nathan T Depenbusch, John J Bird and Jacob Langelaan, 2018, "The AutoSOAR Autonomous Soaring Aircraft Part 1: Autonomy Algorithms", Journal of Field Robotics, 35, (6), pp. 44
- Ralph D Lorenz, Elizabeth P Turtle, Jason W Barnes, Melissa G Trainer, Douglas S Adams, Kenneth E Hibbard, Colin Z Sheldon, Kris Zacny, Patrick N Peplowski, David L Lawrence, Michael A Ravine, Timothy G McGee, Kristin S Sotzen, Shannon M MacKenzie, Jacob Langelaan, Sven Schmitz, Larry S Wolfarth and Peter D Bedini, 2017, "Dragonfly: A Rotorcraft Lander Concept for Scientific Exploration at Titan"
- Nathan T Depenbusch, John J Bird and Jacob Langelaan, 2017, "The AutoSOAR Autonomous Soaring Aircraft Part 2: Hardware Implementation and Flight Results", Journal of Field Robotics, pp. 24
- Jacob Enciu, Joseph F Horn and Jacob Langelaan, 2017, "Formation control of a Rotorcraft Multi-Lift System", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 62, (4), pp. 14
- Nicholas Grande, Shane Tierney, Joseph F Horn and Jacob Langelaan, 2016, "Safe Autorotation through Wind Shear via Backwards Reachable Sets", Journal of the American Helicopter SocietyAmerican Helicopter Society, 61, (2), pp. 11
- Thanan Yomchinda, Joseph F Horn and Jack W Langelaan, 2016, "Modified Dubins Parameterization for Aircraft Emergency Trajectory Planning", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, pp. 20
- Jason G Mandell, Jacob Langelaan, Andrew G Webb and Steven J Schiff, 2015, "Volumetric Brain Analysis in Neurosurgery: Part 1. Particle filter segmentation of brain and cerebrospinal fluid growth dynamics using MRI and CT images", Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics
- John J. Bird and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "Spline Mapping to Maximize Energy Exploitation of Non-Uniform Thermals", Journal of Technical Soaring, 37, (3)
- Jacob Langelaan, Anjan Chakrabarty, Aijun Deng, Kirk Miles, Vid Plevnik, Jure Tomazic, Tine Tomazic and Gregor Veble, 2013, "The Green Flight Challenge: Aircraft Design and Flight Planning for Extreme Fuel Efficiency", Journal of Aircraft, 50, pp. 832-846
- Tine Tomazic, Vid Plevnik, Gregor Veble, Jure Tomazic, Franc Popit, Saso Kolar, Radivoj Kikelj, Jacob Langelaan and Kirk Miles, 2012, "Pipistrel Taurus G4: on Creation and Evolution of the Winning Aeroplane of NASA Green Flight Challenge 2011", Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 57, (12), pp. 869-878
- Sean Quinn Marlow and Jack W. Langelaan, 2011, "Local Terrain Mapping for Obstacle Avoidance using Monocular Vision", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 56, (2)
- Anjan Chakrabarty and Jack W. Langelaan, 2011, "Energy-based Long-Range Path Planning for Soaring-capable UAVs", Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 34, (4), pp. 1002-1015
- Jack W. Langelaan, Nicholas J. Alley and James Neidhoefer, 2011, "Wind Field Estimation for Mini- and Micro-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", 34, (4), pp. 1016-1030
- Jack W. Langelaan, 2011, "A Gust Soaring Controller for Small Gliders", Journal of Technical Soaring, 25, (2), pp. 48-60
- Jeffrey B. Corbets and Jack W. Langelaan, 2010, "Real Time Trajectory Generation for Target Localization using Micro Air Vehicles", AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication, 7, pp. 223-240
- Jack W. Langelaan, 2009, "Gust Energy Extraction for Small- and Micro-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 32, (2), pp. 464-473
- Jack W. Langelaan, 2007, "State Estimation for Autonomous Flight in Cluttered Environments", Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 30, (5)
- Jacob Langelaan and E. Livne, 1997, "Analytic Sensitivities and Design Oriented Structural Analysis for Airplane Fuselage Shape Synthesis", Computers and Structures, 62, (3), pp. 505-519
Conference Proceedings
- James Bennink and Jacob Langelaan, 2024, "Design and Initial Flight Testing of a Coaxial Tilting-Head Compound Rotorcraft", Vertical Flight Society, pp. 12
- Nathan Kimmel and Jacob Langelaan, 2024, "UAS data retrieval for large sensor networks", American Institute of Aeronauticsd and Astronautics
- Kail Yuan, Damaris Zachos, Jacob Langelaan, Eric Greenwood and Kenneth S Brentner, 2024, "Flight Path Planning for Minimization of Total Noise Exposure in Urban Air Mobility Operations", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Bianca Gonzalez, Muhammad Zahed, Alan Wagner and Jacob Langelaan, 2023, "Scalable Collision Avoidance in High-density Airspaces"
- Christopher M Hendrick, Emma R Jaques, Joseph F Horn and Jacob Langelaan, 2023, "Evaluation of Autonomous Ship Landing Systems at the Maneuvering and Seakeeping Basin"
- Bryan Habas, Jacob Langelaan and Bo Cheng, 2023, "Inverted Landing in a Small Aerial Robot via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Triggering and Control of Rotational Maneuvers"
- Duncan Nicholson, Christopher Hendrick, Emma Jacques, Joseph F Horn, Jacob Langelaan and Anish Sydney, 2022, "Scaled Experiments in Vision-Based Approach and Landing In High Sea States"
- Christopher Hendrick, Duncan Nicholson, Emma Jacques, Joseph F Horn, Jacob Langelaan and Anish Sydney, 2022, "Scaled Experiments in Flight Control Design for Autonomous Landing in High Sea States"
- Bryan Habas, Bader Al Attar, Brian Davis, Jacob Langelaan and Bo Cheng, 2022, "Optimal Inverted Landing in a Small Aerial Robot with Varied Approach Velocities and Landing Gear Designs"
- Jacob Langelaan, Sven Schmitz, Douglas S Adams and Ralph D Lorenz, 2021, "Conceptual design of the Dragonfly lander"
- Junyi Geng, Puneet Singla and Jacob Langelaan, 2021, "Trajectory Planning and Control for a Multilift System Based on Load Distribution"
- Pan Liu, Junyi Geng, Yixian Li, Yanran Cao, Yagiz Bayiz, Jacob Langelaan and Bo Cheng, 2020, "Bio-inspired Inverted Landing Strategy in a Small Aerial Robot Using Policy Gradient"
- Junyi Geng and Jacob Langelaan, 2020, "Mass and Center of Mass Location Estimation for a Multi-lift Slung Load", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA
- John J Bird and Jacob Langelaan, 2020, "A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach to Atmospherically Aware Altitude Optimization", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA
- Jacob Langelaan and Zhenda Li, 2020, "Parameterized Trajectory Planning for Dynamic Soaring", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA
- Tomas I Opazo and Jacob Langelaan, 2020, "Longitudinal control of transition to powered flight for a parachute-dropped multirotor", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA
- E. P. Turtle, M. G. Trainer, J. W. Barnes, R. D. Lorenz, K. E. Hibbard, D. S. Adams, P. Bedini, W. B. Brinckerhoff, M. L. Cable, C. Ernst, C. Freissinet, K. Hand, A. G. Hayes, S. M. H\"orst, J. R. Johnson, E. Karkoschka, J. W. Langelaan, D. J. Lawrence, A. Le Gall, J. M. Lora, S. M. MacKenzie, C. P. McKay, R. S. Miller, S. Murchie, C. D. Neish, C. E. Newman, Jose Palacios, M. P. Panning, A. M. Parsons, P. N. Peplowski, L. C. Quick, J. Radebaugh, S. C. R. Rafkin, M. A. Ravine, Sven Schmitz, J. M. Soderblom, K. S. Sotzen, A. M. Stickle, E. R. Stofan, C. Szopa, T. Tokano, C. Wilson, R. A. Yingst, K. Zacny and M. T. Burks, 2019, "Dragonfly: In Situ Exploration of Titan's Organic Chemistry and Habitability", 50, pp. 2888
- Junyi Geng and Jacob Langelaan, 2019, "Implementation And Demonstration Of Coordinated Transport Of A Slung Load By A Team Of Rotorcraft", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, United States
- John J Bird and Jacob Langelaan, 2019, "Optimal Speed Scheduling for Hybrid Solar Aircraft with Arrival Time Condition", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, United States, pp. 15
- Sihong Yan, Dave Getz, Jose Palacios, Michael P Kinzel, Sven Schmitz and Jacob Langelaan, 2019, "Design, Fabrication and Preliminary Testing of an Experimental Measurement Rig for Co-Axial Rotors", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, United States
- Michael P Kinzel, Jason K Cornelius, Sven Schmitz, Jose Palacios, Jacob Langelaan, Douglas Adams and Ralph Lorenze, 2019, "An Investigation of the Behavior of a Coaxial Rotor in Descent and Ground Effect", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, United States
- Sagar Lakhmani, Jacob Langelaan and Alan Wagner, 2018, "Human-intuitable Collision Avoidance for Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Aerial Vehicles", pp. 8
- Sihong Yan, Tomas Opazo, Jose Palacios, Jacob Langelaan and Louis-David Germain, 2018, "Experimental Evaluation of Multi-rotor UAV Operation under Icing Conditions", pp. 12
- Timothy G McGee, Douglas Adams, Kenneth Hibbard, Elizabeth Turtle, Ralph Lorenz, Farzin Amzajerdian and Jacob Langelaan, 2018, "Guidance, Navigation, and Control for Exploration of Titan with the Dragonfly Rotorcraft Lander", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- John J Bird and Jacob Langelaan, 2017, "Design Space Exploration for Hybrid Solar/Soaring Aircraft"
- Jacob Langelaan, Sven Schmitz, Jose Palacios and Ralph D Lorenz, 2017, "Energetics of rotary-wing exploration of Titan"
- E. P. Turtle, J. W. Barnes, M. G. Trainer, R. D. Lorenz, S. M. MacKenzie, K. E. Hibbard, D. Adams, P. Bedini, J. W. Langelaan, K. Zacny and Dragonfly Team, 2017, "Dragonfly: Exploring Titan's Prebiotic Organic Chemistry and Habitability", 48, pp. 1958
- Junyi Geng and Jacob Langelaan, 2017, "A Quasi Polar Local Occupancy Grid Approach for Vision-based Obstacle Avoidance"
- Kshitij Jerath and Jacob Langelaan, 2016, "Simulation framework for incorporating sensor systems in UAS conceptual design", pp. 8
- Jacob Enciu, Joseph F Horn and Jacob Langelaan, 2015, "Formation Control of a Rotorcraft Multi-Lift System"
- Nathan T Depenbusch, Constantino M Lagoa and Jack W Langelaan, 2014, "Random geometric graphs as a model for bounding the endurance of soaring aircraft", IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
- J Bird, Jack W Langelaan, Corey Montella, John Spletzer and Joachim Grenestedt, 2014, "Closing the Loop in Dynamic Soaring", AIAA, Reston, VA, USA
- Z Li, Jack W Langelaan and Joseph F Horn, 2014, "Coordinated Transport of a Slung Load by a Team of Autonomous Rotorcraft", AIAA, Reston, VA, USA
- K Cheng and Jack W Langelaan, 2014, "Guided Exploration for Coordinated Autonomous Soaring Flight", AIAA, Reston, VA, USA
- S Daugherty and Jack W Langelaan, 2014, "Improving Autonomous Soaring via Energy State Estimation and Extremum Seeking Control", AIAA, Reston, VA, USA
- D Makovkin and Jack W Langelaan, 2014, "Optimal Persistent Surveillance using Coordinated Soaring", AIAA, Reston, VA, USA
- N. Depenbusch and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "Minimum Risk Planning for Teams of Unmanned Air Vehicles"
- A. Chakrabarty and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "UAV Flight Path Planning in Time Varying Complex Wind-fields"
- B. Truskin and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "Vision-based Deck State Estimation for Autonomous Ship-board Landing"
- N. Grande and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "Safe Autonomous Flare and Landing during Autorotation through Wind Shear"
- Y. Song, Joseph F. Horn, ZuQun Li and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "Modeling, Simulation and Nonlinear Control of a Rotorcraft Mulit-lift System"
- T. Yomchinda, Nick Grande, Joseph F. Horn and Jack W. Langelaan, 2013, "Development and Testing of an Autonomous Autorotation System"
- J. F. Quindlen and Jacob Langelaan, 2013, "Flush Air Data Sensing for Soaring-capable UAVs"
- T. Yomchinda, J. F. Horn and Jacob Langelaan, 2012, "Autonomous Control and Path Planning for Autorotation of Unmanned Helicopters", American Helicopter Society
- Jacob Langelaan, J. Spletzer, C. Montella and J. Grenestedt, 2012, "Wind field estimation for autonomous dynamic soaring", pp. 7
- T. Yomchinda, J. F. Horn and Jacob Langelaan, 2011, "Flight Path Planning for Descent-phase Helicopter Autorotation"
- Nathan T. Depenbush and Jacob Langelaan, 2011, "Coordinated Mapping and Exploration for Autonomous Soaring", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA
- J. G. Mandell, Jacob Langelaan, A. G. Webb and S. J. Schiff, 2010, "Normative Brain and CSF Volume Growth Curves for Evaluating Hydrocephalus"
- Sean Quinn Marlow and Jack W. Langelaan, 2010, "Dynamically Sized Occupancy Grids for Obstacle Avoidance"
- Anjan Chakrabarty and Jack W. Langelaan, 2010, "Flight Path Planning for UAV Atmospheric Energy Harvesting Using Heuristic Search"
- Nathan T. Depenbusch and Jack W. Langelaan, 2010, "Receding Horizon Control for Atmospheric Energy Harvesting by Small UAVs"
- Jack W. Langelaan, Nicholas Alley and James Neidhoefer, 2010, "Wind Field Estimation for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
- Adam J. Dean, Jack W. Langelaan and Sean N. Brennan, 2010, "Improvements in Terrain-based Road Vehicle Localization by initializing an Unscented Kalman Filter using Particle Filters"
- Shane Tierney and Jack W. Langelaan, 2010, "Autorotation Path Planning Using Backwards Reachable Set and Optimal Control"
- Anjan Chakrabarty and Jack W. Langelaan, 2009, "Energy Maps for Long-Range Path Planning for Small- and Micro-UAVs"
- Sean Quinn Marlow and Jack W. Langelaan, 2009, "Local Terrain Mapping for Obstacle Avoidance using Monocular Vision"
- Jack W. Langelaan, 2008, "Biologically Inspired Flight Techniques for Small and Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
- Sana Sarfraz and Jack W. Langelaan, 2008, "Autonomous Ground-Based Tracking of Migrating Raptors using Vision"
- Jeffrey B. Corbets and Jack W. Langelaan, 2008, "Parameterized Trajectories for Target Localization using Small- and Micro- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
- Jack W. Langelaan, 2008, "Tree Based Trajectory Planning to Exploit Atmospheric Energy"
- Jack W. Langelaan and Goetz Bramesfeld, 2008, "Gust Energy Extraction for Small- and Micro- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
- Jack W. Langelaan, 2007, "Long Distance/Duration Trajectory Optimization for Small UAVs"
- Jeffret B. Corbets and Jack W. Langelaan, 2007, "Parameterized Optimal Trajectory Generation for Target Localization"
- Eric W. Frew, Jack Langelaan and Maciej Stachura, 2007, "Adaptive Planning Horizon Based on Information Velocity for Vision-Based Navigation and Active Sensing"
- Eric W. Frew, Jack Langelaan and Sungmoon Joo, 2006, "Adaptive Receding Horizon Control for Vision-Based Navigation of Small Unmanned Aircraft"
- Jacob Langelaan and Steve Rock, 2005, "Passive GPS-Free Navigation for Small UAVs"
- Jack Langelaan and Steve Rock, 2005, "Towards Autonomous UAV Flight in Forests"
- Jack Langelaan and Steve Rock, 2004, "Navigation of Small UAVs Operating in Forests"
- Jack W. Langelaan and Leo J. J. Kok, 1997, "Damage Tolerance Modelling of Fibre/Metal Laminate Fuselage Structures"